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A Love Poem for the Sacred Tree

A Love Poem for the Sacred Tree

A Love Poem for the Sacred Tree

A sacred tree, standing tall and proud,
roots entwined with ancient earth.
symbol of the timeless and eternal,
witness to the cycles of life and death.

Its branches reach towards the sky,
Inviting sun and rain aside.
Absorbing air with every breath,
Giving life to creatures that thrive beneath.

Symbol of strength and resilience,
protector of earth, beacon of hope.
branches swaying with the rhyme of winds,
Dancing in the light of moon and stars.

Its leaves rustle softly in the breeze,
A whisper of secret stories untold.
A voice for the voiceless,
the natural world, the sacred and the holy.

Oh, sacred tree, I love you for your beauty,
your majesty, your grace.
You are a symbol of life, growth, renewal,
symbol of the divine, eternal.

So, I bow to you, dear sacred tree,
In humble admiration and love.
You are a source of wonder and inspiration,
A source of peace and tranquility, now and always.

Beauty is a joy for ever

The beauty of nature, including the beauty of sacred trees, is a joy that lasts forever. It has the power to inspire, uplift, and connect us to something greater than ourselves. Whether it is the majesty of a towering oak, the delicate bloom of a cherry blossom, or the quiet serenity of a forest glade, the beauty of nature is a source of joy and wonder that never fades.

A Love Poem for the Sacred Tree
A Love Poem for the Sacred Tree

Thank you for likes, shares and comments! 🌳🌴🌲🌵

Source OpenAI’s chatGPT Language Models, Dalle, AI trot and Fleeky
images Picsart and MIB

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Fleeky One

Fleeky One

Seek to serve humanity in preserving nature. Do not cut or pee the tree

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