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Week of the forest


Week of the forest

Every year
a week
To the forest

The week of the forest

A way
To create
And care

A yearly reminder of the days

A wonderful time
To discover
Its palette
of colors

A walk through fallen leaves

Famous forests

The hallerbos

The american chestnut

The sea of trees in Japan

The Ardennes

The Congo rainforest


Planting Ginseng in the forest

Week of the forest, dedicated to all forests in the world. Their preservation, protection and often also a national pride
The soul of trees

What is your favorite forest? And how do you clebrate the week of the forest?

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8 thoughts on “Week of the forest”

  1. Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this article on week of the forest. I’ve gone through it and it’s a really nice and interesting one, well detailed and information filled, well done. I’m a lover of nature so seeing articles like this makes me happy. The forest should indeed be celebrated as it works for us in ways we know and beyond. Thank you for creating this awareness, I’ll share with friends and family 

  2. Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful content here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through this website of yours. It is good to see that a lot of people do celebrate the week of the forest up until now, my favorite forest is the ancient wuda forest in china, thanks for sharing this

  3. Hello there, I have a really great experience with the America chestnut forest and it’s one to remember actually. There have new so many things going around about forests and how they have been a huge number of deforestation. But the sooner we get to see the benefits of this forest and find a way to make them something to be proud of the better for us all because they serve some good benefits to man.

    1. The  chestnut is one of my favorite trees as well. And a forrest of them must be an unforgettable experience indeed. 

      Trees are the lungs if earth… they have a huge impact on the environment and their own secret network underground helping them to survive.

      The more we come to know them, the more we are in awe indeed.

      Let us protect and care for them indeed! Spread the word!

  4. It’s very good to know of days that are memorable and interesting like this forest week, it is a nice idea to be able to dedicate some time to appreciate the work of nature and enjoy it’s beauty in a very deserving way. This is actually the first time I’m hearing about week of the forest, it’s thoughtful of you to share.

    1. Hi James… nature surrounds us, like a womb we are not aware of.
      Glad to know, I have learned you something…

      Let us protect our trees and forrests, they are under greatbattaxk.
      without them, we would live in a desert.

      Take care!

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