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The Banyan tree

The Banyan tree. A place of dialogue, gathering, enlightment. Wisdom of the speaking Banyan Tree.

The Banyan tree

And amongst them
The sacred tree of India
And its delightful fruits

All those who have come
To gather and to share
Enlightments and doubt

And amongst them ST* friends
Gathered to share
their wisdom, insights, experience

In a spirit of belonging
To the same heavens and earth
In respect of each expressions

May peace and wisdom be with us all
Let us keep up with the good word…
My humble namaan to all writers

(ST*: speaking tree of India )

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The Wisdom of the Speaking Banyan Tree

In the ancient forests of India, there stood a mighty banyan tree that was known as the “speaking tree.” The people who lived near the tree believed that it possessed magical powers, and that it could communicate with those who approached it with a pure heart and a clear mind.

The speaking tree was said to have the power to grant wishes, heal sickness, and reveal the secrets of the universe. Its branches and leaves rustled in the wind, as if speaking a language that only the purest of heart could understand.

One day, a traveler approached the speaking tree, hoping to learn its secrets. He sat down under the tree’s wide canopy, and he opened his mind and heart to the tree’s voice.

At first, the tree was silent, but as the traveler cleared his mind of all distractions, he began to hear a faint whispering sound coming from the tree’s branches. The sound grew louder and more distinct, and the traveler realized that the tree was speaking to him.

The tree revealed to the traveler the secrets of the cosmos, the mysteries of the natural world, and the ways of the human heart. The traveler was amazed by the tree’s wisdom and power, and he felt a deep connection to the natural world.

As the traveler continued to listen to the speaking tree, he realized that the tree was not just a physical structure, but a living being with a spirit and consciousness of its own. He felt a deep sense of reverence and gratitude for the tree, and he knew that it had touched his soul in a profound way.

From that day on, the traveler became a devotee of the speaking tree, returning to its shade whenever he needed guidance and inspiration. He shared the tree’s wisdom with others, and he taught them to listen to the voices of nature and the universe.

And so, the speaking tree became a source of inspiration and guidance for all who approached it with an open heart and a spirit of humility. Its voice continued to speak to those who were willing to listen, revealing the secrets of the universe and the beauty of the natural world.

The Banyan tree. A place of dialogue, gathering, enlightment. Wisdom of the speaking Banyan Tree.
The Banyan tree. A place of dialogue, gathering, enlightment. Wisdom of the speaking Banyan Tree.

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Source OpenAI’s chatGPT Language Models, Dalle, AI trot and Fleeky
images Picsart and MIB

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